Sunday, January 12, 2020

Seal Slams Oprah Winfrey, Implies She Knew About Harvey Weinstein's Misc...

1 comment:

  1. Oprah has been against black men since she became "Oprah Winfrey".
    We didn't know about her life before she came on the air. We were just excited to see a black person on television. She took that for granted.She already had her following and it was all white. She treated the famous "Ice Cube" like trash when promoting his first, "Barber Shop". He wasn't invited to his own promotion. Ludicris was, attack for his lyrics on one of her shows. She's been getting good rating for hurting black men. Look at her girlfriend Gayle, how she acted when interviewing "R.Kelly", as though he was an animal,not that he was in pain for lies that was being on him. I am appalled at how this woman has made her money and feel as though her poop don't stink either, and to do this for white people that has paid her salary since she started her career. To hurt the family the famous pop singer "Micheal Jackson", is for what reason? He's resting in peace, and that's says she's never been a friend, but a hurtful back stabber. But does she have a story for her spiritual advisor that just came up on charges for pedophilia, and it's been said that Oprah Winfrey knew about Harvey Wienstien's performances. Mingling amongst the elite, kissing pedophiles, and treating black men as though their struggle is to continue leave it to her. Is she "Gay"? Is she still w/Stedman? What does she have against Black men? Was not her parents black? Is she ashamed of her color? Is she using her black for white? These questions need to be asked, because we have more than enough racism to deal with, with being challenged by our own?
