Tuesday, August 18, 2020





Ethnic Studies


Professor: M. Phillips


Squittia Brown


Giving Meaning to The Language: Civil and Social Unrest


What each word means to me, is that it’s still going on, and it gets more intense with each unexpected abusive, deadly, lying, a black walking man alone, opportunity the police get. Do you think it’s stopped since George Floyd’s passing? Not in any kind of way. Our world is cracking open like and egg from all the wrong that we keep doing to each other, and for what reason? What is the reason for hate, and bigotry, and segregation, race issues, superiority v. inferiority, having a heart of stone? Social unrest, Civil unrest are just lying, and waits. It’s a “Hatfield/McCoy, of a dilemma. It’s an enigma, wrapped up in a riddle. It’s a hate that shouldn’t have lasted this long, but suborned, downright evil has its way of lurking through crack holes.

            As we are locked into this corona virus, trying to keep our wits about us, we in no way in this world, could’ve stay in our homes the day of George Floyd’s assassination on live television, and just like the unrest of what our ancestors endured from then and now. When you want a little rain, you’ve got to deal with a little mud too, (Denzel Washington) meaning the riots go along with the peaceful protests these days, because “just peaceful protests”, were not, and still are not, working. We’d go to jail, or to the morgue, and most white people could care less which one. This portion of hate has increased beyond what ever normal would be, because the leadership that’s in charge, are endorsing the hate, and while we’re trying to get some sleep, he’s up wondering what other kind of hate he can stir up in his cauldron. In my conclusion, I say, we all have our own individual sense, brains that was GOD given, and we don’t have to be lead by negative, evil, hateful rhetoric, because at the end of our days, we have to answer, and what are we going to say? Or better yet, what do you think he’s (GOD) going to say?


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